Friday, October 30, 2015

A Ship of Friends! A Veritable Friendship it was!

      This past weekend was off to a great start. This marked the first time I've done something for myself, well, with others but for myself.   For the past three months I've been sitting in my own emotional waste. I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years at the end of August. That's all I'm going to say about that.

      I got the opportunity to visit some close friends of mine an hour and a half south of where I live. I drove through some beautiful countryside right as the sun sunk below the horizon. Got some good driving meditation with some new music I had found just that morning. Very peaceful.

       My friends are super hospitable and I got to see the Laconia Pumpkin festival last Saturday, and Sunday I get to go to Portland Comic Expo.

That's me in the middle. My friends Margaret and Jesse on ether side of me,

     They are the creators of the Harold: The Happy Human Eater series of comics. A hilarious take on zombies. It take place in a world where the initial zombie apocalypse was short-lived and the secondary infected were zombies that still had their wits about them. It takes some time but these zombies are molded back into society. It takes place in a school, and zombie teens/ faculty are helped by Harold, the school's guidance councilor.  

You should definitely check out their page (Harold the Happy Human Eater)

It was an awesome time talking with other geeks and nerds from across New England and seeing all the artists and creators!  I spent way too much money on art, but this was the first time in a long time that I spent this much money and it felt damn good. I just finished putting them up tonight. 

    The Master chief one I got a year or two ago at Granite Con, The others were from last weekend. Too many artists to shout out to here but I will be linking them to my facebook art page within this weekend.

            The other thing I got to do was meet a bunch of new awesome people at the pumpkin festival. Most of whom I got to play some table top games with later at Margaret and Jesse's place.  If you havent gotten the chance to play the card game Superfight and are into pop culture references then you are missing out. Its basically a game where you get to argue about who would win in a fight by drawing random combinations of characters, modifiers, locations, etc.  It was a memorable night for sure!

"Guys, I googled it, a velocipede is an old timely bike, not a velociraptor centipede like id hoped."
"The raptor is better we're keeping it"

Good times.